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2022 Title/Series Scripture/Speaker Downloads

Sep 25


A security to be celebrated

The Multiplication of Mercy (Jude)

Jude 24-25 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 39mins

Sep 18


A threat to watch out for

The Multiplication of Mercy (Jude)

Jude 3-23 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 36mins


God and our wisdom

Wounds, Wisdom & Wealth (James)

James 1:5-8 Graham Higson Play Audio Download MP3 44mins

Sep 11


A faith worth fighting for

The Multiplication of Mercy (Jude)

Jude 1-2 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Download PDF 36mins


God and our wounds

Wounds, Wisdom & Wealth (James)

James 1:1-4 Graham Higson Play Audio Download MP3 45mins

Sep 04


How to Live by Faith Alone

Habakkuk: from (complaining) faith to (rejoicing) faith

Habakkuk 3 Ro Mody Play Audio Download MP3 Play Video Download PDF 36mins


All of us belong to God

Miscellaneous 2022

Acts 17:16-34 Play Audio Download MP3 43mins

Aug 28


God’s Answer to Suffering

Habakkuk: from (complaining) faith to (rejoicing) faith

Habakkuk 2 Ro Mody Play Audio Download MP3 Play Video Download PDF 40mins


Food Fight

Miscellaneous 2022

Daniel 1:1-21 Graham Higson Play Audio Download MP3 45mins

Aug 21


How Long, O Lord must we suffer?

Habakkuk: from (complaining) faith to (rejoicing) faith

Habakkuk 1 Ro Mody Play Audio Download MP3 Play Video Download PDF 31mins


The Good Samaritan

Miscellaneous 2022

Luke 10:25-37 Dr. Peter Williams Play Audio Download MP3 44mins

Aug 14


God has written about you

Miscellaneous 2022

Acts 8:28-39 Dr. Dirk Jongkind Play Audio Download MP3 26mins


Spiritual Warfare: From Fright or Flight to Fight

Miscellaneous 2022

Isaiah 41:11-20 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 26mins

Aug 07


How can I be accepted by God?

Miscellaneous 2022

Luke 15:11-32 Josh Bell Play Audio Download MP3 Play Video 28mins


The strange glory of Jesus

Miscellaneous 2022

John 7:1-13 Craig Summers Play Audio Download MP3 40mins

Jul 31


Operation Transformation

Miscellaneous 2022

1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 Stephen Childs Play Audio Download MP3 Play Video Download PDF 40mins


Nauseous water or intimate supper?

Miscellaneous 2022

Revelation 3:14-22 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 28mins

Jul 24


See all that we have in Christ

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Ephesians 1 Andrew Harland Play Audio Download MP3 Play Video 34mins


The Great Commission for the rest of us

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John 21 Paul G Play Audio Download MP3 32mins

Jul 17


There is no storm that Jesus cannot calm

Miscellaneous 2022

Mark 4:35 - 5:2 Giacomo Picciani Play Audio Download MP3 32mins

Jul 10


The Embrace of God

Miscellaneous 2022

Romans 8:22-30 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Play Video 41mins

Jul 03


Jesus, the Leader we all Need

Miscellaneous 2022

Mark 6:30-44 Steve Auld Play Audio Download MP3 Play Video 36mins


The greatness and goodness of God

Miscellaneous 2022

Luke 7:36-50 Joe Grimwood Play Audio Download MP3 38mins

Jun 26



Psalms for a long journey into joy

Psalm 132 - 134 Julian Hardyman Play Audio Download MP3 Play Video Download PDF 43mins


Sticks and stones

Miscellaneous 2022

James 3:1-18 Dave Ellerton Play Audio Download MP3 36mins
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